TiK Tok which has experienced explosive growth globally, particularly among teenagers, received a warning from the Italian SA (Garante for la protezione dei dati personali). The caution refers to a potential violation of EU legislation by their new privacy policy update.
Recently, TikTok informed its customers that from July 13, it will start providing them with "personalised ads'. The ads will be provided without requesting users' consent to utilize the information saved on their devices.
According to the new privacy policy update the processing of personal data would no longer be based on consent. Instead, it will be based on the "legitimate interests'' by Tik Tok and partners." The Italian Garante has revealed however, that such a legal basis does not help entirely to comply with GDPR requirements.
According to the Italian DPA, if TikTok does not review its policy changes, it reserves the right to apply restrictions.
Furthermore, there is a risk that inappropriate advertising may target young people. TikTok has had difficulties in the past in accurately determining the ages of its users.
The Irish commission serves as the primary EU regulatory body for Tik Tok and other large tech companies with regional headquarters in Ireland.
For privacy violations, companies with activities in the EU may be subject to fines of up to 4% of their global revenue.
Read more: What are the non-compliance penalties under the GDPR, and how can you prevent them?
Source: https://www.garanteprivacy.it/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/9788342#english
Last update: July 12, 2o22